About Us

Our mission is to achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction by bringing together the core elements of art and engineering. We are a startup manufacturing company located in the city of Weed, California nestled at the base of Mount Shasta in the Cascade Mountains. Our focus is on meeting customer demand through the application of specialty technologies and skill-sets. We implement a strategic focus on automation and lights out manufacturing as a competitive market advantage. Our goal is to revitalize the culture of American manufacturing using cutting edge technologies with traditional creativity and work ethic. #makestuff

Maker & Chief

The principal behind the fusion of art and engineering.

Bringing 25 years of experience in semiconductor and aerospace manufacturing combined with four decades of nerd culture.


Engineer at Large

"The Engineer"

25+ years of experience with CAD, DFM, & WoW
*Computer Aided Drafting
*Design for Manufacturing
*World of Warcraft


Welder / Lead Fabricator

Donkey faced, scruffy looking, nerf herder.

"I'm a welder because I don't mind hard work, if I wanted to do something easy I'd be an engineer."


Prop Master / Machinist


Artist / Lead Painter


Programmer & Webmaster


Aspiring Wizard, Eccentric hobby collector.

"I would tell a TCP joke, but then I'd have to keep repeating until you get it."
